May 04, 2005

Abraham William (Bram) Penford-Dennis

The three of us
Originally uploaded by billyjoebob.
Born 1.32pm on the 4th of May 2005, at Frances Perry House in Carlton, Victoria, Australia. Mum and babe are both doing well, but there's a fair bit of sleeping going on. Labour went for a grand total of 22 hours before an absolutely necessary c-section.

He's well and truly one of the most beautiful babies I've ever seen (not that I'm biased or anything), and you can see more photos if you click.

Thanks ever so much for all the kind words and thoughts flying to us from around the world. Your love and prayers were felt and appreciated.

Bill, Eve and Bram


Bente said...
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Bente said...

Oh he is beautiful, congratulations! Welcome to the world Abraham!

Anonymous said...

hello lovely Bram,
mucho pleased on your safe arrival into the world.
well done mum (how odd is that!) and dad of course..
so cups of tea and jam all round. except Bram who has already worked out what boobs are for, clever wee man..
much love emma

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and welcome to the world Abraham!

L-A-LoST said...

Hello Bill Eve and Bram -- lovely picture of you three -- well done to you all... really good to speak to you this morning Eve and well done Bill for keeping us all feeling like we're right there with you.
love to you all x

RowdyLibrarian said...

Hello my lovely grandson,

I hope now your Mum and Dad are having a sleep, and you are in the nursery, being looked after.
I was so happy and relieved to hear your cries when your dad called me (it's been a long day for all of us - waiting for your arrival), you sound very healthy - and according to your Mum you have figured out where the food comes from. Your Dad was very good at feeding - right from day one. Your Grandad Ian and I used to call him the boob juice freak.

Keep healthy, and get to know your Mum and Dad and all of the assorted relatives.

All of your relatives and friends on this side of the Pacific welcome you with joy.

Your Grandad Phil and I are counting the hours until we can hold you,

with much love
Grammy Linda said...

Oh yay! Congratulations!!! He's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bill, Eve and little Abraham!!

I have already announced the good news to my work colleagues...

Good job!

Hugs n kisses xxoo

StationerEleven said...

Oh, that's lovely. Congratulations to all three of you, and welcome to the world, little Bram.

Anonymous said...

FELICITATIONS Maman et papa! Congratulations Eve and Bill and welcome to the world Abraham! Can't wait to meet you :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats folks, a beautiful boy he is too!

Anonymous said...

Big congratulations to you all! Bram is a lucky boy!

Anonymous said...

Bram, Look after your Mum, barrack for Carlton, get your hair cut and get a job,

Luv ya mate - see you soon, Grandad Ian

Anonymous said...

hey B Boy you are just so lovely i cant wait to come see you again, hope you dont have the hipcups the whole time im there this time congrats to the lovely eve and bill
loads of love anuty Liz and ungle G

E in Oz said...

Many, many congratulations! I'm so pleased for you all.

E :-)

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world Abraham! Well done snagglepuss - do you remember Eve? We hope we get to meet you one day. Bill and Eve - enjoy parenting, it's the best thing ever! Happy lives and love to you three. Mary Tony Keri Jack and Robbie Ruby the dog, Archie the rabbit and Bobs the guinea pig.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

OMFG he's here! You've made it! Congratulations BJB and family!

- Caz.